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The Dragon Stone



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This page lists the references for the old site. Appearing on this list does not mean a source is accurate. Some have errors (which is evident when cross-checking it with the others). Some only have small amounts about dragons, as they're mainly about general subjects.

Mythology, History and Spititual
Alexander von Volborth, Carl Heraldry of the World, Blandford, 1980
Andersen, J.C. Myths and Legends of the Polynesians, Charles E. Tuttle Company, 1969
Baldwin, Neil Legends of the Plumed Serpent: Biography of a Mexican God, Public Affairs, 1998
Bellingham, Grant and Whittaker Myths And Legends, Chartwell Books, 1996
Black, J.A., Cunningham, G., Ebeling, J., Flückiger-Hawker, E., Robson, E., Taylor, J., and Zólyomi, G. The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature, Oxford 1998, <http://etcsl.orinst.ox.ac.uk>
Briggs, Katharine M. A Dictionary of British Folktales, Routledge, 1970
Caxton, William (translator), de Voragine, Jacobus The Golden Legend or Lives Of The Saints, 1483
Corbett, Tom and Robinson, Stearn The Dreamer's Dictionary, Warner Books, 1986
Crossley-Holland, Kevin (translator) Beowulf, Oxford University Press, 1999
Chek, Chia Hearn The Dragon of Kinabalu, Macdonald and Jane, 1977
Chu, D., Skinner, E. A Glorious Age in Africa: The Story of Three Great African Empires, Africa World Press, 1990
Cooper, J.C. Dictionary of Symbolic & Mythological Animals, Thorsons, 1995
Cotterell, Arthur (ed.) World Mythology, Parragon, 1999
Cowan, James G. The Elements of the Aborigine Tradition, Element Books Limited, 1992
Dee, Nerys Your Dreams and What They Mean, Borgo Press, 1988
Eggleton, Bob The Book of Sea Monsters, Paper Tiger, 1998
Fernando, Diana Alchemy, an illustrated A to Z, Blandford, 1998
Fontana, David The Secret Language of Dreams, Duncan Baird, 1997
Fowler, Sherry In Search of the Dragon: Mount Muro's Sacred Topology, Japanese Journal of Religious Studies, 24/1-2, 1997
Gould, Charles Mythical Monsters, 1886
Gould, Charles et al. The Dragon, Biddles Ltd, Henry Brooks Ltd, 1977
Gray, John Near Eastern Mythology, Hamlyn, 1985
Grimm, Jacob Teutonic Mythology, Dover Publications, 1966
Hean-Tatt, Dr. Ong Legend of the Chinese Lung - The Chinese "Dragon", Eastern Dragon Press, 1996
Hulley, Charles E. The Rainbow Serpent, New Holland Publishers, 1999
Huxley, M, Elders of the Ngadjonji A Short History of the Ngadjonji, 1994
Ingersoll, Ernest Dragons and Dragon Lore, Dover Publications, 2005
Jeong, Kim Sun Reviving the Nagas, Kindred Spirit #52, Autumn 2000
Jordan-Smith, Paul An Instinct for Dragons, Western Folklore, Spring 2002
Knappert, Jan The Aquarian Guide to African Mythology, Borgo Press, 1991
Leach, Maria (ed.) The Standard Dictionary of Folklore, Mythology, and Legend, New English Library, 1975
Lyell, Charles A second visit to the United States of North America, 1849
McNamee, Gregory (editor) The Serpent's Tale: Snakes in Folklore and Literature, University of Georgia Press, 2000
Parker, Arthur C. Seneca Myths and Folktales, University of Nebraska Press, 1989
Pennick, Nigel Dragons of the West, Capall Bann Publishing, 1997
Putnam, F. W. The Serpent Mound of Ohio, The Century, Volume 39, Issue 6, April 1890, pp. 871-888
Reed, A. W. Aboriginal Myths, Legends and Fables, Reed New Holland, 1999
Rose, Carol Giants, Monsters and Dragons: An Encyclopedia of Folklore, Legends and Myth, Norton, 2000
Ruppert, Brian O. Buddhist Rainmaking in Early Japan: The Dragon King and the Ritual Careers of Esoteric Monks, History of Religions, Vol. 42, No. 2, pp. 143-174, Nov 2002
Shuker, Karl Bring Me the Head of the Sea Serpent!, Strange Magazine #15, 1995
Shuker, Karl Dragons: A Natural History, Aurum Press, 1995
Simpson, Jacqueline The Folklore Of Sussex, Batsford, 1973
Simpson, Jacqueline British Dragons, Batsford, 1980
Storm, Rachel Mythology of Asia and the Far East, Southwater, 2006
St'ovicek, Vratislav (transl.) Around The World Fairy Tales
Topsell, Edward The History of Four-footed Beasts and Serpents and Insects, Routledge, 2006
Vogel, J. Indian Serpent Lore or The Naga in Hindu Legend and Art, Kessinger Publishing
Warner, Rex (foreword) Encyclopedia of World Mythology, Parragon, 1999
Westervelt, W. D. Hawaiian Legends of Ghosts and Ghost-Gods, Ellis Press, 1916
Whitlock, Ralph Here Be Dragons, George Allen and Unwin, 1983
Wilmott, R.H. Discovering Heraldry, University Of London Press, 1964

Science and Natural History
Anon. The Word: Troglobyte, New Scientist, 190.2552, p56, May 20, 2006.
Attenborough, David The Living Planet
Begon, M., Harper, J.L., Townsend, C.R. Ecology, Blackwell Science, 1996
Mayell, Hilary Life Is Confusing For Two-Headed Snakes, National Geographic News, March 22, 2002,
Maynard Smith, John Evolutionary Genetics (2nd Edition), Oxford University Press, 1998
Ridley, Mark Evolution (2nd Edition), Blackwell Science, 1996
Summers, Adam Serpents in the Air, Natural History Magazine, May 2003

Dickinson, Peter The Flight of Dragons, Collins & Brown Ltd., 1998

(Note that articles from websites are cited in the above categories. These websites provided non-article based resources)
FOTW Flags Of The World
GraphicMaps.com - Provided map templates.
Henriette's Herbal Medicine - Plant photographs.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Kingdom of Cambodia - GMS Summit 2002 information.
Ngata Dictionary - Language resource for Maori.
NASA - Image of ICE.
Project Gutenberg - Old public domain text and images.
The BBC - News items.
The British Museum - Artifact information.
The Encyclopedia of Astrobiology, Astronomy and Spaceflight - Some astronomy information.
TheImage.com - Provided cinnabar photograph.
The Internet Movie Database - Cast and crew information.
The Library of Congress - Public domain historic documents and images.
UCMP Homepage - Some pterosaur information.
Freefind - Search provider.